Monday, September 17, 2007

My observation from post 1

First off, I think things are going well. I'm impressed with the quality of your posts and with your discussion with each other. Comments I have on your posts:

* Research:
Most of you did a good job doing research on the issue you choose to focus on. Most of you included links to the articles you read in your posts. However, few of you integrated this information into your posts to substantiate your argument. I don't want you just tack on the article links at the end.

For examples as to how to integrate your evidence into your post you could look at Silas and Michelle R.'s posts as examples of how you could integrate your evidence into your argument.

*Your response posts: You are doing a good job of responding to other people's arguments. Some of you are using research to substantiate your arguments, but most of you are not. I want to encourage you to try to use research to do so.

* Your viewpoints:
I wasn't surprised that most of you thought that the war is the #1 issue. Most Americans feel the same way as you. Nationally healthcare polls as #2 & issues like immigation poll that high in certain states. Global warming is climbing the list - due in part to recent scientific information & efforts by Al Gore. In every election there will be single issue voters, and I'm glad that one of the top issues of single issue voters (abortion) was represented in our discussion as well. I am glad that some of you played devils advocate to diversify the discussion. :)

I look forward to your second post. Thanks.

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