Thursday, October 9, 2008

Suggestions for your final post before the election?

Post 4 will be your last post before the election. I have some ideas as to what you could write about. However, I also wanted to give you a chance to weigh in. Post here any suggestions you have for me. Please post them by October 17. I want to post your next question over the weekend. Thanks.

PS. This is optional. This is NOT an assignment. :)


Tiffany Ly said...

I think discussing the amount of international interest in our election would be interesting. The problem is that they are overwhelmingly in favor of Obama.

Another topic we could discuss are the current polls, and whether Obama's current lead will change. How different the actual results will be from the polls. Also, how McCain could win back a lead in the small amount of time left before elections.

Bremily said...

I don't know how good of a suggestion this is for the blog, but I would at least be interested in finding out who people support in this election. Do you think maybe we could have a question like, "Who do you support in this election and why? Give substantial evidence..." or something like that. Or maybe we could talk about how different factors have influenced us in this election, like we talked about during out last unit. It would be interesting to actually apply that to the election and ourselves. Those are my suggestions : )

megan w said...

This is a very vague topic of discussion that I am going to suggest, but maybe we could have a post dealing with what we believe the most important issue in the campaign is. To narrow this down a bit maybe you could provide us with three options such as foreign policy, the economy, energy, etc. It's just an idea, and I don't know how interesting it would be to write about in actuality

Lauren the wise said...

It would be cool for everyone to make a prediction on who they think will win the election and then say why they think that. Especially because then we can come back and see what stuff that we predicted actually happened

Unknown said...

I would be interested in finding out either
a) which issue do people feel did not receive enough attention (either from candidates or the media) during the campaign or
b) which issue do people feel received too much attention (which issue really isn't as important as the media/candidates made it seem?)
or both.

Kyle said...

I agree with Bremily that we need a question that simply asks "what candidate do you support and why do you support them?" This topic could be backed with facts as well, but more importantly I think this topic would give a better opportunity to debate with each other than our other topics have.

Willie said...

I like emberg's questions. But betting on the final counts of electoral votes and popular vote would be fun. Maybe which states are going to surprise the pundits or are going to flip from 2004.